AIM Hi provides applied behavior analysis (ABA) services to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
All services are individualized and prioritized to the values and goals of the individual and their family, utilizing a verbal behavior approach. Individual plans may include goals for communication and language, social skills development, adaptive skills (e.g. food selectivity, potty training, and functional living skills), foundational academic skills, and reduction of interfering behaviors.

Our Center
The AIM Hi Learning center is a specially designed facility offering a full-time, integrative, and individualized learning experience where children come to our center, just as they would go to school, to learn and play.
Center-based ABA services offers an intensive approach that puts the learner’s needs at the forefront of therapy with reduced distraction and enhanced progress monitoring by supervisory staff. Through systematic support and implementation of goals, our main objective is to give our learners all the tools they need to thrive independent of ABA services.
Contact AIM Hi Learning today and take the first step towards a brighter future